Search Results - Department of higher education south africa Mauritius Opens For South Africans AgainThe tropical island of Mauritius has announc... Mauritius We’re Ready For LIFT Off, CaptainThere’s a new player in the sky and, w... Lift Woman Who Posed With A Giraffe’s Heart Now Faces BacklashA Limpopo woman has been met with fierce cri... Heart Minimum Wage Increase For Domestic WorkersFrom 1 March, 2021, the national minimum wag... Wage SA’s Oldest Pub Reopens Its Doors With New OwnersThe oldest pub in the country, The Persevera... Pub Princess Charlene To Miss Monaco's National DayAfter much speculation about when she will b... Arial Telkom Is Launching A R250-million Fund For Adults To Learn To CodeTelkom will invest R250-million over the nex... Said Not Wearing a Mask Could Land You In Jail For Six MonthsJustice and Correctional Services Minister, ... Mask Beer Depots And Warehouses In South Africa LootedThe Beer Association has said that a large n... Looted Face Masks Are Here To Stay, For NowIf Health Minister Joe Phaahla has his way, ... Masks Video: South African Transport System Grinds To A Halt As Bus Drivers Strike For Better WagesCommuters woke up to an endless line of peop... Strike Social Media Explodes Over KFC Family Feud TweetWhat was intended to be a funny tweet to cre... Tweet Boxed Wine For The WinFor the first time ever in South Africa, box... Wine SA's National Taxi Council Warns Of Fare Hikes As Fuel Price IncreasesThe South African National Taxi Council (San... Taxi It's Now Illegal To Buy Petrol In a ContainerThe Department of Mineral Resources and Ener... Petrol Kyalami Hopes For a Local GP In 2023Kyalami is ready for another F1 race in 2023... Race Bird Flu Rises, Which Means Bad News For EggsBird Flu has already wiped out more than 15%... Eggs Minister Ebrahim Patel Tests Positive For COVID-19Ebrahim Patel, the Minister of Trade, Indust... Minister Lockdown Alert Level 2: What You Can Do, And What NotWelcome to Alert Level 2 of lockdown. With a... Level Mango Flying Again Despite Financial TurbulenceLow-cost airline, Mango, has assured its cus... Airline Local Children Participating In COVID-19 Vaccine TrialTwo South African children are participating... Children The Rand Gets Stronger In Sa MarketsLast week Thursday and Friday the South Afri... Rand Smoking Is More Expensive Than Before LockdownWhile the current price for cigarettes might... Brands Uber Connect Launches In SAWant to send a package to someone and have i... Uber < 45678 >